Guide for the design, construction and maintenance of natural stone raised access floors


E-book en edición en lengua inglesa, de la colección Soluciones con piedra, destinada a la formación y capacitación de todos los profesionales de esta campo profesional

Referencia: 978-84-9839-438-2 Categoría: Formación complementaria Etiqueta: Ebook


Promoter: Galician Granite Technical Centre Foundation (FCTGG in Spanish).

Technical management: Fernando López González-Mesones (doctor in mining engineering, Madrid Polytechnic University [UPM]).

Technical team: Natalia Núñez Duro (FCTGG architect), Eva Portas Fernández (FCTGG technical architect) y Javier De la Puente Crespo (industrial engineer, Vigo University and Serafín Ocaña Foundation).




1. The Raised Access Floors (RAF): overview
1.1. Terms and definitions
1.2. Natural stone floor tiles for RAFs
1.3. Applications
1.4. RAF classification

2. The importance of natural stone for RAFs
2.1. Identification
2.2. Stone varieties
2.3. Surface finishes
2.4. Advantages of stone for RAF construction

3. Controls and requirements of RAF materials
3.1. Natural stone controls and requirements
3.2. Floor tiles size tolerances
3.3. Controls and requirements of an element of the system
3.4. Pedestal controls and requirements
3.5. Hygrothermal requirements of bicomposite floor tiles
3.6. Sound insulation
3.7. Auxiliary material

4. The RAF project
4.1. General design aspects
4.2. Design typologies
4.3. System requirements
4.4. Joints
4.5. RAF drainage outdoors

5. Setting-up
5.1. Material storage
5.2. Signalling
5.3. Layout
5.4. Execution
5.4.1. Support surface
5.4.2. Pedestal laying

6. Quality control
6.1. Norms
6.2. Controls prior to delivery
6.2.1. Controls prior to delivery of stone
6.2.2. Compliance evaluation
6.2.3. Marking, labelling, and packaging
6.3. Controls at work site upon the reception of the stone
6.4. Pavement layout controls

7. Maintenance, cleaning, and conservation
7.1. Maintenance and conservation
7.2. Scheduled cleaning

8. Drawing up budgets



The use of stone for pavement construction has been a common practice of man throughout time with satisfactory results. This is due to the countless advantages this material offers in terms of design and construction, as well as the requirements that must be met to optimize its use. This guide also explains the requirements demanded from the materials that make up the RAF pavement system as a whole, the requirements for receipt acceptance at worksite, the section calculation tools, as well as the quality controls on the finished work units. Likewise, it provides a compendium of recommendations regarding pavement conservation and maintenance, as well as cleaning techniques. This section underpins the importance of proper planning of the maintenance and cleaning operations throughout the pavement lifespan in order to get the most from the qualities offered by this fine material.

Número de páginas 52
Año de publicación 2012
Formato E-book

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Guide for the design, construction and maintenance of natural stone raised access floorsGuide for the design, construction and maintenance of natural stone raised access floors
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